After successfully completed the one-year Torit Inbound Team program and his M.Div. degree from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, Jeffrey has returned to South Sudan as a Theological Educator in March 2024, and is working with our national church partner, Africa Inland Church (AIC), to restart the Imatong Bible School (IBS). He plays a key role in leading and coordinating the efforts to bring more comprehensive theological training for local pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders serving across the Eastern Equatoria region of South Sudan.
Updated March 2024
Related Projects
Click on the title of a project below to donate to the project:
Vehicle Purchase and Maintenance Project – As Jeffrey returns to South Sudan as a Theological Educator in 2024, he is expected to conduct meeting/training with different ministry teams, and to travel in-between various locations (i.e., cities, towns, villages, and refugee camps). Given the lack of infrastructure and reliable public transit in South Sudan (SSD), having a four-wheel-drive vehicle will provide better flexibility and effectiveness in his ministry works. Due to the rough and inconsistent road conditions, this project is also to help subsidize the high costs of operating/maintaining a vehicle in a country like SSD.
Imatong Bible School – South Sudan – Imatong Bible School (IBS) was originally established by AIM missionaries in the late 1970’s, but unfortunately it was shut down due to the wars in the 1990’s. For years, AIM and AIC have shared this vision to restart IBS so that the local pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders in the Eastern Equatoria region of South Sudan can have better access to more consistent theological training. This project to restart IBS will also involve capital development, resource acquisition, Theological Education by Extension (TEE) course training, and women-literacy program.
South Sudan Crisis Relief Project – There never seems to be any shortage of crisis in a country like South Sudan. This project endeavours to provide initial and limited support responses for local churches and communities in times of crisis. It is the desire of the project to utilize local churches, individuals and communities where they minister. Examples of the type of support the project has assisted with in the past are providing food for elderly and disabled people, contribution towards funeral expenses, individuals fleeing violence, gender based violence injustices etc. We hope and pray this money helps the church in South Sudan to be able to show the love and care of Jesus to their neighbours and communities.